The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation maintains an active involvement in the undergraduate education programs of the Schools of Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapy at Queen's University.
Clinical electives are available, on request , to any students attending a Canadian medical school. We also have the capacity to provide a limited number or clerkship electives for senior medical students studying outside of Canada. Observership opportunities can also be arranged.
Information concerning Clerkship Electives can be found through the Queen's University School of Medicine Undergraduate education office. Students from institutions other than Queen's are referred to the section for extramural Students.
The Undergraduate Medical Education Office telephone number is 613-533-2542.
All full time physiatrists in the department are involved in teaching, and participate in various symposia and lectures.
Dr. Dave Ruggles is the Departmental Undergraduate Education Director. He can be contacted by e-mail at Department Admin Kaitlyn Cats is happy to assist you in scheduling an elective or observership. Please contact her at